What are Gotranscript Jobs You Can Apply Today?

Gotranscript Jobs you Can Apply Today

Gotranscript jobs are what you need if you are looking for a legit work from home website. Gotranscript has different freelance transcription jobs that you can apply today. These are online jobs that can help you start earning a part-time or full-time income.

Who is Gotrascript?

Gotranscript is an online transcription agency. They provide jobs like video or audio to text, video captioning, foreign subtitles, and foreign language translation. These are freelance transcription jobs that are best for you if you're starting to build a career as a freelancer.

What skills do you need to start to make money online transcribing?

Video or audio conversion to text

What's important in this type of task is you can pay attention to the words spoken on the audio or video. Paying attention to the file will help you be more accurate in your transcription. This type of transcription job is for anyone who has basic computer skills and has the patience to listen to audio or video file format.

Video captioning

Gotranscript jobs are easy to perform and can be a source of full-time income. And among these is video captioning. You might have come across YouTube videos or Netflix movies that have English subtitles. You would be working on the same type of project. You can choose the different projects where you can place English subtitles.

Foreign Subtitles

Foreign subtitles jobs are the same as video captioning the video caption is for another language native to the video. These are like your English video with Chinese subs or Spanish videos with English subs. Freelance transcription jobs are definitely a good option if you can speak or understand a language other than English.

Foreign Language Translation

Gotranscript jobs are a reliable source of income because online contents are everywhere and there is a demand for your service. Foreign language translation is for anyone who can transcribe a video or text to a different foreign language. Which is almost the same to the foreign subtitles task.

Who should start an online transcriptionist career?

What are Gotranscript Jobs you can apply today?
Who should start an online transcriptionist career?
Gotranscript jobs are for everyone who has basic computer knowledge and has an internet connection. Being able to understand and write the English language is enough to land a job at Gotranscript. But if you are someone who is fluent in different languages, then you have more options to get paid for transcription. Freelance transcription jobs you can start today will help you build your confidence as a freelancer. 

How much you will get paid for transcription?

get paid for transcription
Get paid for transcription
The payment will vary depending on what Gotranscript jobs you are working on. But the average payment would be $0.60 per video or audio minute. The payment will depend on the length of the video or audio you are transcribing, and not on how much work you spend. You can possibly earn $ 6.0 for a 10 minutes video. It may take you long to transcribe a video or audio file at the start. But you can improve your skill after each project you complete. Consider signing up to Gotranscript today so you would have the time to improve your skill. Transcriptionist working full time on Gotranscript can earn as much as $1200 per month.

What are the advantages of Gotranscript jobs?

Working from home is the best advantage of an online transcriptionist. But aside from that, you also have the following freelance transcription jobs benefits:

Gotranscript jobs
Work from home

  • You will only need your computer and internet to make money online transcribing
  • Weekly payouts via PayPal for your completed jobs
  • You have control of your time, you can work more hours or less
  • Gotranscript has technical support for freelancers
  • You can choose what projects you can work on
  • You can receive feedback from the team to help you grow
  • There’s a variety of work, who knows you are actually captioning a Netflix blockbuster
  • There’s a steady stream of work, and your services are in demand

So when are you signing up for Gotranscript?

If you are looking for a legit website that will pay you weekly, then you should sign up right now. Do not miss the opportunity to work with the Gotranscript family today. You can also visit their website and explore more about the platform. The design of the Gotranscript home page to accept clients. But you can look for the Transcriptionist Work Menu that will send you to Gotranscript jobs page.

You should visit the Gotranscript jobs opportunities right now and establish an online career and join the world of freelancing.
